About Us
Floa’Teas• Smoothies • Ice Cream
There’s nothing better than enjoying hand made ice cream, cool, refreshing tea or creating your very own float as a treat throughout the year. That’s why Sip N Roll Creamery was born. We remember waving down the ice cream truck and enjoying a fresh creamy treat. Today we share a new fusion of soft serve with bubble pearls.

What is a
Sip n Roll Floa’Teas?
Sooo Creamy…
Let’s face it, it always summer in Florida, why not enjoy one of our famous Flo’teas to cool off. The Flo’tea gives you the opportunity to try our creamy, homemade ice cream over your favorite tea or slushie, kind of like a root beer float. This combo allows you to choose from one of our signature creations or build your own.


Come Visit us!
Or Order Online
Located Inside the Marketplace at Avalon.
3801 Avalon Park E Blvd, Orlando, FL 32828 Suite 145
Open 11am To 9pm Every Day
Closed on Holidays